My DD saw my flowery skirt and wanted one! These are SO easy! I made this one more flowy and twirly for my "tween". She LOVES the denim fabric, of course!
I added the heart embroidery-it has a lace-look to it and I thought it would add a little spunk to the overall denim skirt-plus my embroidery machine has been feeling neglected! ;)
This heart design is from here:
You might have to sign in as a member to download this free design-well worth looking at the other free designs, too!
My oldest DD wants a new skirt, so I am off to my stash of fabric and my sewing room....
Every season when the pattern companies release their new patterns, I am always SO excited. I love the new designs and styles they have come up with. Recently, McCall's released some new patterns and when I received the email, I knew I had to have this one specific pattern.
The reason is seeing this particular style dress reminded me of a time and a place. I was 16 years old and was asked to go to my first prom. I had never been to a prom before and only just read about it in Teen magazine. I loved seeing all the new prom dresses and smiling teenagers.
The dress I picked out was a white-satiny fabric with small lavender and purple flowers on it. The hem on the bottom was just like this one-I believe they call it a "handkerchief" bottom! I just LOVED, LOVED that dress.
This is the pattern! McCall's #6113
I sewed up the shorter version for a more casual look, but my prom dress was the longer version! This version was an easy sew for me. I plan on sewing another one, but using a smaller skirt bottom, as I think it is a little too flowy to me. I would prefer it looked more like the picture! Anyway, I still LOVE the one I sewed-and for me!!!
The fabric is from Walmart! It is a rayon fabric which lies so perfectly. It has such a breezy, flowy effect! I wore a black tank top under the dress, but it could be worn without it! I want to try the next one with a knit fabric.
Loving that hem for sure. I can remember dancing at the Cococabana in NYC wearing my prom dress and dancing to Michael Jackson! Awesome! I feel 16 once again....
Okay, would it be wrong to wear this dress everyday?
OMG! I am in LOVE with this simple technique to sew up a skirt or dress! The tutorial is actually for a dress attaching a tank top to the skirt. I did not have one I wanted to part with, so I figured-why not just make a skirt!
I did just that and only used the 44" inches of the fabric and not the 60" suggested. I want to do a 60" wide one so it will be fuller and flirty-looking!
The fabric is from my stash-purchased from Joann's a few years ago. I think a matching headband is in order. Imagine this with a black tank top and some fun accessories such as a black necklace, matching earrings, and one of those chunky bracelets!
Here is the tutorial I followed:
Thanks Megan for a great, easy, and fun tutorial! Thanks for the inspiration!
I am off to the store to buy some tank tops for my DD's and myself to make more of these!
Not only have I been preparing for vacation, but my poor blog has been on vacation, too! I have a few projects that I completed prior to our family vacation and was too busy to post them. I have been home for a couple of days and have been trying to get back in the groove. Sigh....
We went on a Caribbean cruise and had lots of fun. By far, the time spent on the beach was awesome. For us Arizonians, the beach is a real treat! I miss the beach already...
Here is a beach ensemble I made my youngest DD, Sierra, who is SO fun to sew for. I promised her a beach bag and this is what I came up with.
Pocket on the inside for all her little things!
I just LOVE, LOVE the fringed flip-flop appliqué, that I cannot recall where it is from. I added a keychain to the beach bag for her never-ending collection of key chains!
What beach diva is without a matching cover-up? This cover-up was RTW on super clearance from Target last summer. $2.48 and voila-ribbon and appliqué flip-flops and it goes from vanilla to cookies-and-cream like!
Sierra just LOVED this set and strutted on the beach with it. Reality is once on the sand, the beach bag fell from her hands and her cover-up came off her faster than a wardrobe malfunction! ;)
Both fabrics are from Joann's. It is home dec/outdoor fabric. I used webbing for the handles and lime-green polka-dot ribbon for the pockets(yes those are pockets) and for the trim on the cover-up-also purchased from Joann's.
The flip-flop appliqué on the cover-up is from
As I am blogging to you and thinking of the beach, which was unbearably hot and humid, I am glad to be home in the desert of DRY HEAT. Weather forecast for today-112! Honestly, feels better than the 90 degrees on the beach. Really....
It feels good to be home and being creative, once again!